Ni dia tanggepan dia tentang kanker dan komitmen kerjanya di HarPot:
"The cancer was hideous. It takes the wind out of your sails and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything. You feel so ghastly, you wouldn’t mind dying a lot of the time," divulged the actress. "The last couple of years have been a write-off, though I’m beginning to feel like a person now. My energy is coming back. Shit happens. I ought to pull myself together a bit."Kemoterapi yang dijalani membuat dia letih, tapi di film Half Blood Prince, gak ada penonton yang sadar kalo dia sakit. Geez, what a great actress!
Hope that she'll get well soon!
gw juga koq margurita,
walopun digerogoti "kanker" a.k.a kantong kering, gw bakal tetap setia ngikutin harpot..
*salam penggemar harpot
hahaha..apa hubungannya.kan harpot bisa tetep ditonton via tv (walau lo harus nunggu sekian abad) hahaha, dasar nicolas, update dong blognya!
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