Last week, my lecturer in Organizational Behavior class; Mr. Budiman Natadiningrat gave us another weird assignment. Why weird? Because it has nothing to do with our subject: Management student or Organizational behavior subject. Yep, last time he asked us to guess what did he look like 30 years ago (but in the end, it has something to do with the subject), and this time he asked us to create our own personal survival kit just in case there is disaster (earthquake, flood, etc.). He sent us an email with one news about the possibility of Jakarta attacked by earthquake, survival kit list, and request a photo of our own personal survival kit by each of us. What a weird man ~.~".
OK, forget about how weird is my lecturer, now I would like to share to you about my own personal survival kit. Actually, based on Mr. Budiman's words, we all need our own personal survival kit packed in a backpack so that it would be easy for us to carry it around just in case there is a disaster. So, while waiting for the help and rescue, we can be prepared and stay calm under the pressure of the disaster. So, here is my own personal survival kit that I prepared for the assigment. Actually, I forgot to put women's daily feminine hygiene, flashlight, swiss-army knife and lighter.

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