Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Soory for the hiatus.

But I think that I need looonger hiatus.

Maybe I'll be back with the new blog for my fashion things.

Great time for you all.



Friday, February 13, 2009

Wish list

Ga tau mau nulis apa..

Yah, curhat colongan aja deh.

Numpang nulis wish list (lha, di blog sendiri pake permisi?hahahaha)

Wish list:
  1. Bikin fashion blog
  2. Bikin online shop
  3. Jualan baju ma temen2 di kampus
  4. Blajar bener2, soalnya semester 2 dosennya pada sangar
  5. Mengurangi lingkar badan :D

That's it.

Targetnya 2 bulan.

Lets see if I can make it.
