Sunday, December 27, 2009


The holidays are coming!

I was officially back to Palembang on 24 December, 2009. It was nice weather, anyway -heavy rain, since Jakarta is very hot and humid. I was wearing my choco leather jacket from my bf and an animal print scarf, so I thought that was good decision to wear them at that time. By the way, the funny thing was: Both of my parents and my boyfriend picked me up at the airport. LOL. This is the consequences of having elder parents ~.~ At first, I recognized my mom and dad, they smiled at me. Then I started to become panic and looked for my boyfriend. Then I found him, he looked a little bit disappointed (sorry -_-), but then my dad started a conversation with him and my parents let me go home with him. Huhuhu. Very weird.

Because I was very hungry, the we headed to warung sate near Mesjid Taqwa. Whoa, the location is already moved. I always call it "sate sampah" since the location of the warung is located near the garbage. Now, the new location is far more better, though it is not too far from the previous one.

Full-tank. Back home. After a little talk and laughs, he went home.

It was a blast anyway, and I'm so happy to be here. With my parents and bf. But I hate the cold weather. It's already 2 pm but the water is still very cold! grrrrrrr. Beside, I have my hair easier to become oily than when I was in Jakarta. Hope that the season is going to change soon. VERY SOON, unless I have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee everyday! :p

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Obsession: V-I-N-T-A-G-E

Erie Basin Antiques: 1880's Cameo Ring 10K Gold

A lovely late Victorian cameo ring with the profile a very pretty lady in dark carnelian and white glass. Dates to the late 1800s.

Suddenly in love at the first sight when I was browsing through the Polyvore and go to the jewellery tab. Come to mama bebe! But, the price is a bit too expensive, especially for a college student like me. :(

Anyone willing to give me this? It will cost you $ 190.00

Saturday, November 7, 2009


whaddyathink of this two guys?
which one is hot, which one is cool?

just wait for my next post about these two guys :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Mad Bitch

Tonight I was just soo exhausted that I slept at 7 pm. Woke up at 12, nice right?

Since my boyfriend was too sleepy to chat with me (he went to a orchestra concert), he slept and I started to become a mad bitch since then. BAD MOOD. Everything seems so lame, bad, even worse. Everyone seems to be annoying for me. And I'm starving, it's the worst. I already eaten an instant satay-fried noodles (sounds weird?yes, but it was delicious enough) but it's enough for a mad bitch like me right now. GRRRRR

Besides, I got a very bad score on one of my midterm exam yesterday. SO BAD that I wanna cry for it, but of course, I'm too strong to be destroyed just by the score. So I just try to forget about the score, try my best for the final exam.

Seems that I will get busy with those assignments, papers, and presentation until the final exam schedule. Oh yeah, soft-internship also (I'm going to visit Depok once a week). What is annoying me that much is I have to do it all mostly in groups. I hate doing my campus things in group. No offense, but to be honest, most of my classmates are bitch and jerks. That's why I just want to be friends with some of them (I love you girls!). Oh, I just wished I could have better team for everything, especially for that damn paper that should be submitted next week and all of my team members are ZONKS (I'm the head of the team). RAWR.

wish me luck everyone. zzz

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Distance - Evan and Jaron

The sky has lost its color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that's how it feels to me
Whenever you're awayJustify Full
I crawl up in the corner
To watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you're comin' back

I can't take the distance
I can't the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin' your name
But I cant take the distance

I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough

I can't take the distance
I can't the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin' your name

I brave fire and I brave rain
To be by your side I'd do anything
I can't take the distance

I will go the distance
I will go the miles
That's how much you mean to me
cause I can't take the distance
I can't take these miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin' your name
I can't take the distance

It's hard to remember
As long as you're away
When I find solace
There's only one way

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Current Obsessions

These days, I always drool over the fashion things. There are so many cute things on the Internet, fashion magazine, and girls magazine. Of course I can't afford the original one, I mean if I want that Herve Ledger Bondage Dress by Max Azria, I just keep it in my deep heart (LOL).

Speaking of magazine, I just heard that Seventeen Indonesia is closed and the last edition is the September edition with Katy Perry as the cover. Ooh, poor then, I always love Seventeen because it shows us the diversity of human (the choice of model, which is varies from the skinny one to the a-little bit fat). Besides, Seventeen always put the body image issue and keep encouraging the girls to be proud of themself. OK, we will miss you so much, Seventeen Indonesia. Bubye!

OK, back to the current topic, I want to share about my current obsessions in fashion. Here is the list:

Black BikerJacket
Black Long Sleeved Mini Dress
Statement TightsAnyone willing to buy me one? :p

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm Currently Sick

Sorry to say, but, I just want to let you my blog readers know that I'm sick. I still don't know exactly what my sickness is. I have been suffering in high fever and cold all day long. It's like a shift. In the morning I have fever, afternoon I'm shivering, then in the night I have my upper body very hot and cold feet. zzz.

me in the bed

Sounds like my body really needs a long maintenance, but, do you know what? My mid term examination is coming on the 15th of October, which is going to be 2 days from now! shit. So I decide to take plenty of rest and will take a blood test tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, buddies! I'm already tired in this 3 days just laying on the bed without any energy to do anything. Hope that the result of the blood test won't be dengue fever or typhoid. zzz. Noooooooooo..Not Typhoid anymore!!! I had suffered in Typhoid for 4 times in my life! No typhooid anymore, please. :(


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pemeran Prof. McGonagall Tetap Berperan sampai Seri Harry Potter Selesai walau Digerogoti Kanker

Maggie Smith, pemeran Profesor McGonagall di seri Harry Potter ternyata telah berjuang melawan kanker sejak tahun 2007. Namun, ia memutuskan untuk tetap bermain hingga seri Harry Potter selesai.

Ni dia tanggepan dia tentang kanker dan komitmen kerjanya di HarPot:

"The cancer was hideous. It takes the wind out of your sails and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything. You feel so ghastly, you wouldn’t mind dying a lot of the time," divulged the actress. "The last couple of years have been a write-off, though I’m beginning to feel like a person now. My energy is coming back. Shit happens. I ought to pull myself together a bit."
Kemoterapi yang dijalani membuat dia letih, tapi di film Half Blood Prince, gak ada penonton yang sadar kalo dia sakit. Geez, what a great actress!

Hope that she'll get well soon!

Laron, Makhluk Menyebalkan : the FACT

Setelah gue pindah kamar, entah mengapa kamar baru ini selalu dipenuhi laron yang tewas bertebaran di lantai kamar. Padahal di kamar lama, gak pernah ditemukan tanda-tanda kehidupan laron. Kenapa gue sebel banget sama laron? Karena gue gak tau cara membasminya, dan laron-laron itu suka nemplok di kaki gue kalo gue lagi santai-santai di kamar, siang-malam gak kenal waktu deh. Kan kalo nyamuk, bisa dibasmi pake insektisida semacem Baygon atau Hit atau bahkan biar lebih seru main perang-perangan sama nyamuk pake raket listrik (I do it in my home in Pal embang :p), labh laron? disemprot Baygon ga mempan, yang ada malah muncul laron yang lebih gede (apa laron suka Baygon yaa?).

Lalu, karena gue sebel banget harus nyapu bangkai laron dan unidentified creatures lainnya, maka gue iseng search di Google dengan kata kunci: "laron", "membasmi laron", dan "sebab munculnya laron." Nah, dari hasil search tersebut gue jadi pengen share beberapa fakta tentang laron dan bagaimana mengatasi kehadirannya serta membasminya. :p

Okay, here are the facts:

"Laron merupakan salah satu tahap perkembangan rayap, serangga yang hidup berkoloni seperti semut. Rayap memiliki tiga kasta (level perkembangan): kasta reproduktif, kasta prajurit, dan kasta pekerja. Laron merupakan salah satu fase dewasa dari kasta reproduktif. Ia akan menjadi raja dan ratu pada koloni rayap. Laron tumbuh dari telur. Sayap laron berkembang agar laron bisa terbang mencari pasangan kawinnya. Setelah kawin, sayap laron tanggal karena tidak diperlukan lagi. Mereka mulai membangun sarang dan menetaskan telur-telur sehingga membentuk koloni baru. Jadi, laron tidak akan mati setelah sayapnya tanggal, kecuali ada predator yang memangsa atau membunuhnya." (Prof. Yohanes Surya from

Selain itu, dari beberapa source kayak forum diskusi ataupun milis yang muncul di Google, dimana ada laron biasanya ada rayap. Jadi, ada nih, yang kamarnya selalu kotor karena bangkai laron dan setelah diselidiki ternyata lemarinya dimakan rayap. Setelah rayap dibasmi, laron pun ikut hilang.

Namun, walau banyak banget yang sebel sama laron, ada juga orang yang bisa mengambil hikmah adanya laron di muka bumi ini (Subhanallah banget deh, mampu ,mengambil hikmah dari makhluk super duper nyebelin itu), Cheya dari Malang yang posting artikel di WikiMu berjudul "Belajar dari Laron".

Ini quote dari artikel tersebut yang gue suka:
"Mungkin kita pernah kesal dengan kedatangan laron dirumah kita, khususnya pada malam hari setelah hujan. Selain sayap-sayapnya mudah terlepas sehingga kita jadi sering menyapu ruangan, semutpun sering datang untuk membawa laron yang sudah mati ke dalam sarang. Selain itu, cicak-cicak pun berdatangan untuk mengenyangkan perutnya dan tak jarang ada orang-orang yang menangkap laron untuk digoreng atau dibuat pakan ikan.

Karenanya, janganlah mengeluh dengan adanya laron. Kedatangan mereka juga bisa menjadi perantara untuk menguji kesabaran kita, untuk menambah amal ibadah kita (lantaran menyapu ruangan) dan mengajari kita untuk hemat menggunakan listrik. Bila dalam satu malam setiap rumah mematikan lampu dengan total waktu 1 jam, dan bila ada 1000 rumah maka akan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah cadangan listrik negara. Karenanya, jangan hanya berpikir sisi negatif saja. Kadang, sisi negatif itu justru memicu adanya sisi positif. Sebenarnya laron tidak berniat menganggu kita. Mereka ingin mendekati sinar karena mereka memiliki kepekaan terhadapnya. Alhamdulilah kalau yang peka terhadap sinar merupakan hewan tak berbisa dan kecil ukurannya. Coba kalau laron memiliki bisa seperti kalajengking atau laron berukuran sebesar kucing."

Bener juga ya opini Cheya tentang laron, setidaknya setiap hal dan sesuatu yang diciptakan oleh Allah SWT itu gak ada yang gak bermanfaat. Walau bersifat mengganggu, pasti kita bisa mengambil sisi positif dari hal atau sesuatu yang negatif itu.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kebodohan Ayah dan Anak

Berikut ini merupakan percakapan antara ayah dan anak yang tinggal serumah namun lebih memilih berkomunikasi lewat YM daripada mengobrol langsung, saat percakapan ini berlangsung tidak ada konflik diantara mereka.

tia_chubbygurl15 : si anak gadis
iskandar sulaiman : si ayah

tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:38:16 PM): hoi hoi
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:38:56 PM): hoi papa
iskandar sulaiman (9/22/2009 8:39:03 PM): APO
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:39:10 PM): katek
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:39:12 PM): iseng bae
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:39:15 PM):
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:39:25 PM): uji sarly selamat ulang tahun
iskandar sulaiman (9/22/2009 8:39:33 PM): NGURUT BE KL DAK KATEK GAWE
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:39:37 PM): wew
iskandar sulaiman (9/22/2009 8:39:40 PM): YO
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:41:07 PM): oi yoko add fb papa tu
iskandar sulaiman (9/22/2009 8:41:29 PM): YO
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:48:49 PM): kok dk bs buzz ke papa ye?
iskandar sulaiman (9/22/2009 8:49:14 PM): BISO
tia_chubbygurl15 (9/22/2009 8:49:29 PM): cubo

Sembunyikan Pesan Terkini (F3)

iskandar sulaiman sudah memilih IMVironment "Autumn Leaves".

yang BOLD dan merah itu bener-bener menggelikan deh. :D

anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Walau aku suka ngebantah dan ngamuk, aku masih sayang kok.huehehehe.. Tapi kalo ngirim duit bulanan jangan telat telat lah yau, bisa mati aku dsana. :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

Broken- hearted (AGAIN!)

Would you stay strong when you lose someone you love?
Would you pretend to be strong when someone you love acts like he never know you?
Never loves you?
Just feeling like the world is falling apart.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sad sad

Don't know what to do. Just feels like a dumb and loser. Everyone's move on, but not me. Oh, God. I don't know.

Friday, March 27, 2009


it's gloomy today that i don't want to live anymore.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Soory for the hiatus.

But I think that I need looonger hiatus.

Maybe I'll be back with the new blog for my fashion things.

Great time for you all.



Friday, February 13, 2009

Wish list

Ga tau mau nulis apa..

Yah, curhat colongan aja deh.

Numpang nulis wish list (lha, di blog sendiri pake permisi?hahahaha)

Wish list:
  1. Bikin fashion blog
  2. Bikin online shop
  3. Jualan baju ma temen2 di kampus
  4. Blajar bener2, soalnya semester 2 dosennya pada sangar
  5. Mengurangi lingkar badan :D

That's it.

Targetnya 2 bulan.

Lets see if I can make it.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

I ~heart Katy Perry

I kissed a girl and I like it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it.
I Kissed a Girl- Katy Perry"

Sepenggal lirik di atas rasanya agak aneh yak? A girl? Kissed a girl? Tapi terlepas dari semua kontroversi yang dibuatnya, overall, this is a good 'starter' for her. Let me introduce: Katy Perry, the new singer (with controversy of course). Katy Perry merupakan seorang penyanyi pendatang baru d Amrik sono. Pertama kali liat penampilannya sih waktu libur Lebaran di Lampung, my grandpa's, kemaren. Pas malem- malem, gue sama abang gue iseng nonton (gue lupa apa di [V] Channel atau MTV) trus muncullah vidklip yang judulnya "You're So Gay", kita ngakak aja bedua. Then, I just started to think that this girl gonna hit the world with her music. Then, it happened. Skarang, Katy, yang dulunya sempet jadi 'calon' fashion-disaster sama beberapa majalah lokal - LOOKS sama GoGirl!- , skarang malah berubah jadi cewe stylish tapi tetep punya style sendiri yang bisa dibilang 'nyeleneh'

to be continued..