Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cuteness Attack!

My current obsession: umbrella. No it's not umbrella by Rihanna or Vanilla Sky. LOL. It's the real umbrella that we use for covering ourselves from the rain.

A little talk about umbrella
Since I studied in Jakarta, I've started using and carrying umbrella everywhere. Due to the not-really-far-but-far-enough-if-you-walk distance between my rent house to campus, I really need umbrella, especially during the rain season like this. At first I only bought the cheapest one (IDR 15,000) and it broke yesterday because I open it while on the motorcycle (damn ojek driver!) and I have to buy the new one. I already bought the new one while I was in Depok doing some soft-internship program from my campus. I find the cute umbrella (IDR 30,000) there, a black and white polka dot one! And, to make it cuter, it has frills, too. very cute! I'll upload it soon.

So I just visited FredFlare and find this super cute umbrella! It's called rain parade umbrellas. Moreover, Each umbrella is designed to look like a fun character dressed in rain coat & boots!

Let's check it out a bit closer.


navy sailor

orange buddha




opened one

Which one do you prefer? I choose the "aqua" one. It will costs $34, anyway. But the worse thing is they don't ship to Indonesia. Rawr.


Unknown said...

golden budha...!
ekspresinya cool sekali. hahaha...
jubahnya juga keliatan keren.

Prisya Dhiba Ramadhani said...

aqua sama yg white lucuuuu!
pengen punyaaaa, heuheu

dezca said...

gue meraaah abiiissss tiiii ...

Anonymous said...

mantap gan!