Saturday, March 6, 2010

Random Shots

Talking of photography things, at first I wasn't interested at all. During my holiday in Palembang, it just turned out that night when my dad bought a prosumer Nikon camera. Haha, it is still in a very good condition, minus the battery. So, when I saw this Yashica 35-ME camera, it really fits my imagination about a vintage yet fashionable camera. So I just ask my dad to give the camera and one roll of expired film, the here it is: experimental shots by me. Some of them were being taken by my friend; Vita and my boyfriend; Yoko. I'm sorry for the blurs, well I'm a beginner. :)

I use this camera, anyway.

Shops near Megahria (Pasar 16 area)

Taking shots of myself (Punti Kayu)

The pristine one, taken by Yoko

Old coffee table (my backyard)

Rusty (my backyard)

View from the back yard

My backyard, taken from my mom's room

White orchid

me in the front yard

My puppets (my room)


kalina said...

bagus yak..lucu raimu..

Istiarina Putri said...

@nana hahaha.iyo banyak yg teblongo' malu aku post :p

Pemuda Internet said...

mau jadi fotografer ya..hehe

kunjungi blog ku ya..
salam kenal

Istiarina Putri said...

@deekkyy ga kok, hihi iseng aja. yg hobi foto2 itu temen2 ku, jd penasaran, okeeee kangsung blogwalking! ^^