Tuesday, November 16, 2010

100th post

This post is dedicated to the broken-hearted friends.

Hey you, don't be worry, don't be sad. I will always be by your side. He, may come and go. But me, always stay by your side, even when you don't ask to.

Cheer up girls!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Lately, I'm in love with this song. Damien's voice really hypnotizes me.

My favourite lines:

Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

The video doesn't explicitly represent the real meaning behind the song. It may be disgusting for pregnant women, people with heart attack, and innocent people.


My lecturer; Mr. Daniel, once said: "if you want to reach your dreams, spread it. Tell everyone about it, so you'll feel the pressure to work hard to reach it."

So, I would like to share to you all about my wish-list. Here it is.

  • GPA 3< (No exact number ~keke)
  • Get over 'it' (Sorry too personal to be written here)
  • Get a new digicam (whatever the brand is, as long it has min. 10 megapixel)
  • Get a part time job while having holiday on January 2011
  • Join a sewing course
  • Get more involved in communities (have to reach 5 organization/ event until the end of 2010)
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hang Out

I was having fun, yes before my mid-term exam, keep my fingers crossed!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mobile Posting

CQ CQ I'm now testing the mobile blogging. This post will disappear in 24 hours. Cheers!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Strange and Beautiful

Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
(Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung)

Better be Prepared

Lately Indonesia is in sorrow. This is because of a lot of natural disasters happened lately. Gunung Merapi eruption, avalanche in Wasior, Tsunami in Mentawai. I live in Jakarta actually, but lately Jakarta was on chaos because of flood attack last week. Because of the flood, there was a lot of traffic jams almost everywhere in Jakarta. Thousands of people stuck in the traffic congestion for almost 8 hours back then. Besides, Jakarta also have a record in earthquake. Last earthquake happened when I was studying in class with my friends and lecturer. It was very shocking, though it only happened for less than 5 minutes. Fortunately I am still alive and healthy after that.

3 weeks ago, one of my lecturer; Mr. Budiman Natadiningrat, gave us a very weird assignment. The assignment was to prepare your own personal survival kit and take a picture of it (as you can see on my previous post My Personal Survival Kit). At that time I just laughed and thought that this assignment was a joke. But now, I think what he done to us was really beneficial. I start to plan for discussion with my friends about the disaster-things like this. Seriously, we need to be well-prepared.

And tonight, I just check out this article on Jakarta Globe about What to Do When Mother Nature Strikes :

Don’t panic. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur.

Minimize your movements to a nearby safe place.

If you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure that exiting is safe.

If indoors:

Drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture and hold on until the shaking stops.

If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.

Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.

Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, load-bearing doorway.

Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.

Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.

Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.

Do not use the elevators as they might stop and strand you.

If outdoors:

Stay there. Move away from buildings, streetlights and utility wires.

The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls.

Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury.

Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass and falling objects.

If in a moving vehicle:

Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle.

Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses and utility wires.

Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped.

Avoid roads, bridges or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.

If trapped under debris:

Do not light a match.

Do not move about or kick up dust.

Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.

Use a whistle if one is available.

Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.


An earthquake is a natural tsunami warning.

If you feel a strong quake, do not stay close to shore.

If you hear of an earthquake, be aware of the possibility of a tsunami and listen to the radio or television for additional information.

Remember that an earthquake can trigger killer waves thousands of miles across the ocean many hours after the event generated a tsunami.

An approaching tsunami is preceded by an unusual fall or rise in the water level.

If you see the ocean receding unusually rapidly, that’s a good sign that a tsunami may be on its way.

Go to high ground immediately.

A tsunami is a series of waves and the first wave may not be the most dangerous.

The danger from a tsunami can last for several hours after the arrival of the first wave strikes.

A tsunami wave train may come as a series of surges that are five minutes to an hour apart.

The cycle may be marked by a repeated retreat and advance of the ocean.

Stay out of danger until you hear it is safe.

Use your common sense. If you feel or hear of a strong earthquake do not wait for an official tsunami warning.

Tell your family and friends to join you in leaving for high ground. 

Or, for more information, you can visit my lecturer; Mr. Budiman Natadiningrat's website here.

It's really useful guide for common people like us are not well-aware :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

7 Pleasures of the everyday world

  1. Wearing underwear just out of the dryer.

  2. When cashiers open up new checkout lines at the supermarket.

  3. Intergenerational dancing.

  4. Paying with exact change.

  5. Fixing electronics by smacking them.

  6. High-fiving babies.

  7. The other side of the pillow.

Taken from Neil Pasricha's award-winning pop culture blog, 100awesomethings.com


Kamu datang seperti hujan, begitu deras, menghapus kemarau dan menyejukkan bumi. Hanya saja hujan itu hanya sesaat, begitu reda, genangan airmu tak lagi indah dan menyejukkan. Bagiku, itu menyakitkan.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Today's Quote

You don't have to share the same faith. You have to respect each other's faith.
-Dr. Ghazala Hayat (On their act endangering their own lives if necessary to save the life of anyone seeking asylum.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Though I'm Glowing Still You Can't See Me

Hold me, you shall never ever see me
Blankets will not hesitate me
Flowers shant even wake

Kiss me, 'tis the last time you may see me
'Tis the last time light shall harm me
I shall cry myself to death

Funny, how you never showed your love to me
Lovely, oh the lights I can see
It's gleaming in my eyes like when you

Burned me, tear my skin off and leave me
'Tis the last time you may hold me
'Tis the last time I shall say good bye

(Glow by Frau)

Just a Quote

Call me abnormal, a die hard, a freak, but honestly I don't want & I don't give a damn about YOUR normal. And that's the soul of freedom.

(Poltak Hotradero)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twitter: Pemantau Efektif Isu yang Berkembangdi Indonesia?

"Keterlaluan sekali sebuah patung Buddha di atas sebuah vihara akan diturunkan karena tekanan sekelompok masyarakat" - @BaraHasibuan (politikus PAN)

Di atas merupakan satu diantara ribuan respons atas pemberitaan protes terhadap keberadaan patung Buddha di atas sebuah vihara di daerah tanjung Balai. Namun, ini bukan kali pertama sebuah isu yang sedang berkembang direspon dan mengundang banyak komentar di ranah maya. Sebelumnya Indonesia sempat dihebohkan dengan adanya berita dari FPI (Front Pembela Islam) yang memprotes berlangsungnya Q Film Festival yang bertemakan LGBTIQ (Lesbian Gay Bisex Transgender Intersex Questioned) Rights dengan mengadakan aksi anarkis ke tempat pemutaran film. Hal ini ternyata mengundang berbagai kecaman dari para selebtwit (selebritis twitter) yang memiliki latar belakang beragam, diantaranya aktivis Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL); Ulil Abshar Abdalla maupun dari kalangan pers, pendiri Tempo; Goenawan Moehammad.

Secara tidak langsung kita dapat melihat adanya fenomena sosial atas keberadaan situs microblogging dalam memantau isu yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Baik orang awam, pers, politikus, hingga ibu rumah tangga bebas mengekspresikan idenya dalam 140 karakter atau me-retweet tweet yang dianggap bermanfaat. Kalaupun merasa tidak nyaman untuk melakukan personal branding, dapat juga membuat account twitter dengan nama samaran atau membuat karakter baru yang dirasa lebih merepresentasikan diri kita (Contoh: @treespotter. @provokatrok, @kafirliberal).

Dengan adanya situs microblogging ini, isu yang sedang berkembang dan berita-berita dapat diakses dengan lebih efektif dan cepat sehingga respon atas berbagai isu terkini pun tentu lebih cepat dibanding hanya membaca koran maupun menonton televisi. Oleh karena itu tidak jarang banyak orang kini cenderung lebih memilih twitter sebagai sumber informasi (berita, isu, tips, dll.). Situs microblogging seringkali menyajikan info terkini jauh lebih cepat tapi keakuratannya seringkali dipertanyakan, seperti saat isu tentang meninggalnya salah seorang maestro musik indonesia, alm. Gesang yang saat itu masih hidup.

Sebagai salah satu twitter freak, saya sendiri sangat merasakan kedua dampak twitter dalam kehidupan pribadi dan sosial saya. Positifnya, twitter memberikan alternatif source of information yang sangat luas cakupannya (karena sumber berita tidak hanya dari pers tapi juga citizen journalist) serta dapat memberikan alternatif hiburan dengan isi tweet yang segar dan jenaka (@poconggg, @provokatrok, maupun @soalBOWBOW) di sela-sela kesibukan yang mencekik.

Namun selain sisi positif, twitter sebagai salah satu situs microblogging yang sangat populer terutama di indonesia pun memiliki sisi negatif. Negatifnya, banyak pihak yang sering melakukan penyalahgunaan twitter sebagai situs microblogging sebagai sarana melakukan hate speech atau blackmailing.

Lalu, apa sebenarnya dampak twitter yang menjadi wadah berekspresi bagi sebagian besar masyarakat ini terhadap perkembangan Indonesia? Dengan berperan sebagai wadah bagi setiap individu maupun kelompok untuk bebas berekspresi, tentunya hal ini menunjukkan kepedulian sejumlah masyarakat atas berbagai isu yang beredar melalui twitter. Tentunya twitter dapat dibilang meningkatkan awareness masyarakat Indonesia dengan konsep yang serupa dengan word of mouth (word of tweet). Dengan meningkatnya awareness masyarakat tentang suatu isu yang sedang berkembang, maka diharapkan rakyat Indonesia pun dapat lebih proaktif dalam memantau isu sosial yang ada, bahkan mengawasi kinerja pemerintahan Indonesia.

Akhir kata, twitter sebagai salah satu situs microblogging yang sedang happening di Indonesia memiliki peran sebagai pemantau efektif isu yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia sehingga mampu merepresentasikan suara sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia terhadap suatu isu yang muncul. Twitter telah menjadi wadah yang sangat efektif bagi masyarakat agar lebih peduli dan ikut serta memantau jalannya pemerintahan Indonesia serta menanggapi berbagai isu baik isu politik, agama, sosial, maupun budaya.

Happy tweeting!

Into Your Gravity

Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground.
But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.

(Taken from Gravity by Sara Bareilles)

Please Don't

For someone out there who really disappointed me, please read this and learn not to do those things above, anymore.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mesin Penenun Hujan

Merakit mesin penenun hujan
Hingga terjalin, terbentuk awan
Semua tentang kebalikan
Terlukis, tertulis, tergaris di wajahmu

Keputusan yang tak terputuskan
Ketika engkau telah tunjukkan
Semua tentang kebalikan
Kebalikan di antara kita

Kau sakiti aku, kau gerami aku,
Kau sakiti, gerami, kau benci aku
Tetapi esok nanti kau akan tersadar
Kau temukan seorang lain yang lebih baik
Dan aku kan hilang, ku kan jadi hujan
Tapi takkan lama, ku kan jadi awan

Merakit mesin penenun hujan
Ketika engkau telah tunjukkan
Semua tentang kebalikan
Kebalikan di antara kita


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

On October 15th, 1990 at 15.47 pm, a baby girl was born healthily with about 3.9 kg weight in Palembang, South Sumatra - Indonesia.
His father and mother ask for the name to the grandfather (from mom's side), then she was named Istiarina Putri; rooted from her father's name (Iskandar Sulaiman) and also means "ikhtiar" or effort in English.
Now that baby girl has already grown up. She's 20 now. And she's ready for the next chapter of her life.

She's been in both good times and hard times. Both love and heartbreak. Both laughter and cry. Both alone and in the crowd.

She's unbreakable. She will never let anyone gets her down. Never ever.

Happy 20th birthday to my dearest me!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Here It Comes My Man

  • He is a dentist-to-be
  • He is allergic to crustacean
  • He is silly
  • He loves toycam
  • He loves cats, while I love dogs
  • We love to go out together (without even both of us taking a bath)
  • We love to spend times doing thrift-shopping or just reading mangas together
  • We love to mock and laugh at people
  • He comes to my house almost everyday during my holiday in Palembang
  • He never bothers if I haven't take a bath for 3 days
  • He never bothers whether I gain a weight
  • He rarely mad at me
  • He is dependable on almost everything
  • He is my first boyfriend that can steal my dad's heart
  • He mingles with my world (my friends, my family)
  • He loves me the way I am




new year: 2010

last holiday: early September

Tabby and him

Thank you for all those years. You are my love, my friend, and also my brother.
Forgive all my selfishness. Let's keep this love a lifetime, cause forever doesn't exist.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Trip To Punti Kayu

OK, actually I already wanted to post this a loooooong time ago, but I just have the chance to post it to this blog now (some of the pics from my Yashica 35-ME are already uploaded it here). On the 3rd semester's holiday, one of my besties; Vita, came to Palembang for a holiday. She stayed in her uncle's home for two weeks. And for one night, she came for a sleepover in my house.

The day before, we went to a recreational area (some kind of tourism forest and wildlife reserve) in Palembang named Punti Kayu. I was really excited since it was my first time to be there after about 17 years (when I was a child my mom took me there once). Actually, Punti Kayu is not famous because of its variety of wildlife reserve and the forest, but for its reputation as the place for the lovers (-__-"), but the filthy one.
OK, forget about that nasty things done by many couples here, I would like to share some of the photos taken by Yoko. You're a great photographer dear!

Bridge gives you the best experience and has the best view (so you can watch some lovers there (~.~"))

buying the entrance ticket to the 'mini' zoo


Yoko :)

I can't stand seeing this bear all alone in its cage :(


Vita the photographer

Taking a pic of myself

This tree is really strange, don't know whether it's snake-look-alike or alligator-look-alike

High school couple spotted there (=__=")

See you later in Palembang, Vita!