Friday, July 2, 2010


Do I change? Or I just found out the different side of me which has been hidden all the time?

Or it's just the time.

Time for me to change? Or time for me to show my other side?

I start to doubt everything I used to believe.

  1. I start thinking about somethings I would never think about.
  2. I start being panic because I'm afraid everyone's gonna think that I'm going crazy.
  3. I start to think that some people are just trashes - the people that I used to love.
  4. I start to think that what I am believe now, should be believed by everyone, else go to point no. 2.
  5. And I start to think that maybe it's just me, who doesn't fit with this kind of world I've been living all my life.
If this is temporary, I hope that I can pass it smoothly. I don't need fast, I need comprehension.

But if this is going to be forever, like FOR EVER, then I guess I shouldn't live anymore. It's just useless, right?


Prisya Dhiba Ramadhani said...

what's wrong dear?

kalina said...

anda mengapa?
mengapakah anda??


tia tiaa,,,
kmaren katany nk genti template? kalo template yg luas2 ck blogspot aku galak dak?
gek kukasi sampel2nyo..
soalny aku ngediit2 dewek.
okeee babo.

Istiarina Putri said...

@kak prisya: nothing really matters kak, I think it's just the time. Just like in the movies about life and transition from being teenager to adult. Hope I can pass it well! :)

@nana: saya tidak apa-apa kok yek. cuma lagi nemu sesuatu yg baru, yg terasa pas, tapi ternyata sulit diterima orang-orang sekitar.