Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pemeran Prof. McGonagall Tetap Berperan sampai Seri Harry Potter Selesai walau Digerogoti Kanker

Maggie Smith, pemeran Profesor McGonagall di seri Harry Potter ternyata telah berjuang melawan kanker sejak tahun 2007. Namun, ia memutuskan untuk tetap bermain hingga seri Harry Potter selesai.

Ni dia tanggepan dia tentang kanker dan komitmen kerjanya di HarPot:

"The cancer was hideous. It takes the wind out of your sails and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything. You feel so ghastly, you wouldn’t mind dying a lot of the time," divulged the actress. "The last couple of years have been a write-off, though I’m beginning to feel like a person now. My energy is coming back. Shit happens. I ought to pull myself together a bit."
Kemoterapi yang dijalani membuat dia letih, tapi di film Half Blood Prince, gak ada penonton yang sadar kalo dia sakit. Geez, what a great actress!

Hope that she'll get well soon!


Yudha Kimi Potter said...

gw juga koq margurita,
walopun digerogoti "kanker" a.k.a kantong kering, gw bakal tetap setia ngikutin harpot..
*salam penggemar harpot

Istiarina Putri said...

hahaha..apa hubungannya.kan harpot bisa tetep ditonton via tv (walau lo harus nunggu sekian abad) hahaha, dasar nicolas, update dong blognya!