Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Story About: #1 The Story

So, I decide to create a new section to improve my writing skill, and also to keep this blog updated! The section will be named "Story About" and it will be different story in every post. Single post then DONE. For the start, I will tell you the story about the story.

I open it. Years ago. Yes, I do remember, I open it when I was a child. Why is it here? How?

So I approach it. Then I look at it. Finally I touch it. It looks old. The last time I saw it it was so new. So small and thin.

Yes, it looks different, but I don't know, it is the same thing as the one I saw years ago. Yes, I am certain.

Then I hold it, it is so heavy! And crumbly. I guess it's very old.

Then, I open it.

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