Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well, I have more than thousand thoughts in my head (and my heart also).

But I'd like to share some thoughts of mine, especially regarding what people say about me.

I happened to find out that there are some people who talk behind my back. They call me miserable, pathetic, none whatsoever. At first I don't care at all, but I want to tell everyone about my point of view.

Well, people said that it's better to hide your own feelings instead of show it to the world. They said it's because you should be more fortunate that you're not living a poor life like people in Africa or poor countries do. But it is definitely wrong. Being poor and can't even eat well is sad. But for me, it's sadder when your soul is hungry rather than your stomach is.

One of the best way to let it go is, to be open about that. Problems, conflicts, heartbroken, and others happen. They are parts of us. We can't be happy all the times. We have to feel the pain and suffer sometimes. And let it out is the best way I've ever tried.

We, human, are tend to stay calm in order to keep the image "I'm Okay" to others while the reality is "I'm Not  Okay At All". Why I'm saying this? Because I've tried it a thousand times, and it only made everything worse. I tried not to care, not to be curious, not to think about it, but in the end, sooner or later the volcano is going to be erupted. Hold it all inside while turn away because you think it will solve your problem is the worst way to be free from your problems. You have to face it, you have to let it out, then you can move on and live your life to the fullest.

So, for those who think that I'm pathetic, weak, miserable, please be honest to yourself that those words you've said about me, is actually about yourself. Because if you're not, you will not mock me and mind your own business.

And by the way, you have to meet me in real life. I'm the opposite of my posts. I'm much more outgoing, fun, and goofy, thanks to my blog and social media accounts which help me to let go all the negatives in me. 

Taken last year after a Thypoid (haha, I was so fat)

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